Glass Tops for Wood Furniture

Keep germs off your furniture this flu season

If you’ve been to your local Walgreens (or even local grocery store) lately, you’ve likely seen the signs to get your flu shot. (You’ve also probably started seeing Halloween decorations – yes, in September – but that’s a whole different issue…)

With flu season upon us, there are some important considerations we can make to help reduce the spread of the flu through one of the most common transmission methods: shared furniture. Whenever someone with the flu sneezes near or touches a surface, those germs can live on for a day or longer, infecting the next unlucky soul who uses it.

Where germs like to live

Any place where a lot of different people will pass by and touch is susceptible to become a landmine of flu infecting bugs. Also, any surface in which one will have had touched his or her mouth of eyes then the surface (or the other way around) is also a key transmission point.

Thus, some of the surfaces that are most at risk are any surface in which food is prepared – those germs can jump right up into that turkey sandwich; conference tables; and reception desks.

Prevent germs getting there in the first place

The best way to prevent the flu virus from spreading at work is to keep it from getting onto publicly shared surfaces. This means having employees cover their mouths when sneezing or coughing; staying away from work when they’re very sick and can spread germs to others easily; and making sure employees wash their hands with soap and warm water.

Sanitizing surfaces for germs

Despite our best intentions, flu germs can still make their way to regularly used desks, conference tables and other surfaces. That’s why you should make it a common practice for employees to clean surfaces regularly with soap and water. Provide employees with cleaners that indicate that it is capable of killing both bacteria and viruses – the flu bug is a virus, but similar ailment-causing bugs like salmonella are bacteria.

For more information on preventing the spread of germs on surfaces, see the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s resources on tackling the flu virus at work.

Get a Surface Worth Sanitizing

Now that you know how to prevent flu germs from spreading to and living on your furniture, why not really make your furniture shine? Consider getting one of our premium glass tops. Call us anytime at 1-800-793-1011, contact us online or shoot us an email!

American Glass Top Company

2453 American Lane
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Phone: 1-800-793-1011
Fax: 1-888-793-1011

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